This recipe originated centuries ago, from monks of the Buddhist Shaolin temple where this traditional recipe was manufactured from 36 different herbs. Dit Da Jow literally means "fall hit wine". Chinese rice wine was added to herbs in a clay vase. The vase was then sealed off and buried in the ground for months or even years. It was assumed that the longer the spices were soaked in the alcohol, the more powerful the Dit Da Jow would become. A kind of body elixir for kung fu practitioners, used to heal external damage such as bruises or sore muscles. There are indeed several types of Dit Da Jow recipes, most of which are considered a "secret formula" that were passed both orally and in writing within the traditional Chinese martial art from master to disciple.
Dit Da Jow liquid is very popular among kung fu practitioners. In China, it is very common that each master mixes his own formulas. The different aromatic herbs he uses, stimulate blood circulation, reduce swelling, pain and speeds up the healing process in case of fractures and inflammation. It is also known as a liquid pain reliever that turns out to be useful in reducing pain associated with arthritis and rheumatism. Dit Da Jow can be used to cool off or to warm up, depending on the formula and application. It can only be used externally.
Dit Da Jow is also used as a support for training in the iron palm, iron body and iron bridge.

The Dit Da Jow (fall hit wine) that we use, is one of the most wanted formula in Europe.
Many so called masters used to visit our grandmaster Wong Ming in the past…and still. Trying to get their hands on his formula. The knowledge that he received from his master Man Yan Tai on the hit medicine wine. Why? So they could claim it as theirs, deceiving most likely their students mentally and financially...the new way it seems. To spread story’s, as it was given to them by their own master(s). Off course our grandmaster Wong Ming never let him get tricked by these kind of people, giving them only a finger (not more than 15 %). In the Chinese community, we call these kind of people, pien chi - 骗子.
We can proudly say, decades has passed and our formula is still save. This typical herb mixture was specifically designed by our kung fu elders. For practitioners of our extraordinary fighting style, to speed up recuperation after training. Relieving pain and aiding the healing of bruises, tendon strains, sprains as well as arthritis and osteoporosis. This formula is given to Yip Wai-Lam Sifu as the next official heir and lineage holder of the “Kong Sai Tit Ngau Fong Ka” fighting art that we represent.